The ADR Circle Spain
On 11 March 2019, the "ADR Circle Spain" was founded in Barcelona. The task of the Circle is to take up existing proposals for improving international ADR procedures (Negotiation, Mediation and Arbitration) and to implement them in practical work by setting methodological standards. The Circle focuses on the so-called "medium-sized“ commercial disputes for companies from Austria, Germany, Spain and Switzerland.
The participants of the ADR Circle are companies, law firms and conflict experts such as mediators and arbitrators, arbitration institutions and chambers of commerce as well as universities, colleges and research institutes.The participants are organised in working groups and hold regular workshops (see below) to develop standards, training modules and quality control.
Meetings and Events
The ADR Circle is open to all interested companies, institutions and individuals. It holds regular meetings in Spain and once a year a joint conference (
ADR Days ).
Corporate and Counsel Pledge